Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Coping and Cuteness

So I'm actually managing through the winter, I still don't like the weather, the extra clothing, the extra time to put on the extra clothing, but I am managing.  We've gone sledding a few times now, and we've even sent Nicoley down the hill on her own a few times.  She really likes it, she gets to the bottom, claps her hands and says "One more time!"  Mark bought the kids a GT Snowracer and that's been fun for them!  (I think he's sad that he can't ride it... crazy weight restrictions!)  Jayme and Brady also enjoy trying to snowboard down the hill, and of course they all enjoy the warm up hot chocolate after the trip!
Nicoley has been amazing us with her incredible intelligence... she's barely just turned 2 and she can count to 10, usually without missing any numbers... she can recognize 10 of the 26 letters... and she is talking so much and we laugh so much at the cute and funny things she says.  My favorite one lately is that when she sees anyone of us without out clothes (we're still a pretty open family) she says "Nakedbaby" (all one word)  When she says something, she expects us to repeat it back to her, just to make sure she's understood.  If we aren't paying attention, or just answer with an umm hmm, she will continue to repeat it until we say it back.  She has also been heard telling us "I funny" so she knows she is still the star of the show around here.

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