Monday, January 17, 2011


Christmas flew by with a flurry this year.  We tried to slow it down, but for some reason, there was so much going on that the whole season seemed to slip away!  We still tried to do all the advent activities that we normally do, but school and life seemed to get in the way!  Don't get me wrong, it was a great time of year, but now that it's January and we're back into routine and it's cold and dark, Christmas seems like a distant memory.  Maybe a few pictures will remind me of the special season when we celebrate our Saviour's birth.

We did our traditional Chocolate Covered Pretzels

We made gingerbread houses, we tried to make 5 small ones, but ahh, it didn't really fly, next year, one big one again!  Live and learn

Our 3 excited little bunnies on Christmas morning :)  In their Christmas jammies

Colie's new dolly that eats and talks, she came complete with stroller and highchair

Super pumped big kids got a DS :)

It truly was a blessed day and time of year.  We spent a great day with my family on the 25th, then another amazing day with Mark's family on the 26th, there was so much food, laughter, and good memories.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I should have been posting this 3 days ago, but I think I've needed a few days to adjust to the idea that my BABY is four.  I kind of feel like I need to breathe into a paper bag! Has it really been 4 years since our sweet Colie came and made our family whole?
She is really such a blessing in our home, she has brought us so much joy, love and laughter in her four years.  I think if you'd look up "sweetness" in the dictionary it should say Nicole.

Baby Coco: 3 weeks

First Birthday

Second birthday

Third Birthday

Here is the Birthday Girl!

The party snacks

The treat bags for her 5 party guests.