Friday, November 27, 2009


It's a day off and I'm just relaxing at home with the kiddies.  It's been a busy start to the fall, and we're in full swing with school and church activities.  We've been absolutely LOVING this amazing weather and we've been trying to enjoy it as much as possible.  We've had a couple of backyard fires in our little pit.  We're still walking to school most days and I've been able to keep jogging outside which I love!
We've completed the first term at school, including report cards and parent conferences.  I'm reminded again how amazing our kids are!  Jayme's teachers don't say a bad word about her behaviour or her academic abilities and Brady is doing amazingly well too, although with him there are a few "things to work on"!  That's the teacher way of saying he's been a little silly in class.  He's catching on to grade one and is enjoying the full day of classroom life.  He is such a likable and funny kid and he enjoys making others laugh which would be fine, except it's during times when they should be listening not laughing.  So we are working on making good choices.  Y'know, I would way rather have to work on behavioural issues than academic struggles.  I love seeing my kids catch on easily to their schoolwork.  We are certainly blessed.
Nicole is loving having the kids home today.  This morning they played some Wii while I got to sleep in, or stay in bed anyways.  They played Mario Kart and Nicoley grabbed her "gamote" and played too.  Her gamote is an old VCR remote, that she thinks is actually working, so cute.  Of course at first the kids tried to convince her that she wasn't really playing but she was adamant and so was I, so they changed their tunes and let her "play" with them.  So she chimes in sometimes, "I'll be Yoshi"  or "I'm in third"
Nicoley has made the full transition from baby to big girl and if you would ever slip up and call her babe, or baby, she will right away correct you and remind you that "I'm a big girl"  We finally cut out her susu about a month ago.  I thought it would have been more traumatic than it was.  She was allowed to buy bubble gum instead, because "big girls chew gum".  
Of course this is hard for me, and I stumbled across these so cute pictures this week....  wow she was so small, and Jay and Brade were so little!  Enjoy!