Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back at it

I cannot believe it's been almost a year since I've last blogged.  I guess I've been busy.  I've got 12 months of pictures to post, and boy, there have been some good ones!  I will try and catch up.  And I will also get some pics of the new house up too.  I have a whirlwind of ideas flying through my head of projects to do in the new place.  This promises to be an exciting fall :)  Now to see if I have time to blog, to DIY, to knit, to crochet, to learn to sew, to lose these pesky 7lbs of holiday weight, and oh yah, to be the mom and wife I need to be!  I'm up for the challenge, fall has always been like my new year!  Bring it on!  More to come...