Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School

 It's that time once again... back to school!  We had such an awesome summer and I think we enjoyed it as much as we possibly could have.  We spent a huge amount of time at the lake and loved it!
This year the kids are at new schools, Jayme and Brady are at the new middle school, just created in our area for French Immersion students from the 2 Elementary schools.  They are still with all their old friends and also with each other.  They are  much closer to home and are able to come home for lunch most days. They just zip there on their bikes and are back and forth in no time!
Coco started at a new school this year as well, but she doesn't know anyone at her school yet, so I was much more nervous for her this morning.  She was brave and excited mixed with a wee bit anxious.  I'm trusting she will have good things to tell when I pick her up.  Thankfully we can walk back and forth to school, but unfortunately there isn't quite enough time for her to come home at lunch.
Grade 2

Here are the classic Back to School photos...
Grade 6

Grade 8

 So it was just the littlest dude and Mama today.  We went for a jog and then picked up a coffee and ran a couple of errands, then home for lunch with the big kids.  Carter didn't really want to pose for a photo today.

Love that boy, and I'm so thankful to be home with him.

Here's to a GREAT school year!!
"No cheese!"