Here was our dining room the day we moved in. Gasp... white carpet under the table! And I have 3 not so tidy children. And gasp... brass fixtures. One of the funniest things about our new place is these lights in the alcove. They are actually kind of cute...minus the brass, and we wondered where the light switch was, and then we discovered that they are actually candle holders, so we decided to remove them, until we saw that they weren't even painted behind! Would you believe that "Granny" had HOT PINK walls... like the nastiest dusty rose colour you will have ever seen. So we took the holders down and I used my trusty can of spray paint and voila, no more brass. We put our old cabinet in the alcove for now (although Mark wanted the piano to go there... gasp) We took down the mauve valance, we removed the white carpet and put down a beautiful dark hardwood floor.

The chandelier enjoyed a coat of spray paint too and the old hurricanes replaced with super cute little silver shades! Voila... brand new and not 90's dated chandelier!

looks great! I like your little silver shades, were they hard to find? I really like how you mostly just updated what you had, very practical and inexpensive. Well done my friend!!