Here are a few things to know about him.
Carter's name means "one who uses a cart". Now we've never picked names based on their meaning, and we didn't this time either, but I kind of like this meaning because it can basically be translated as "Driver". Driver is a nickname that one of Mark's friends calls him all the time and so I think it suits our little guy!
Carter's middle initial is D. He has no middle name. This is after his Papa who is Peter D. and when Mark's parents were choosing Mark's name, they chose a D name for Mark's middle name. We didn't love any specific D names, so we decided to be a bit different and just give Carter an initial.
Proud Papa |
Carter and his 6 week older cousin Andrew |
Carter is grandchild number 10 on the Letkeman side. He evened things out to 5 boys and 5 girls.
He is grandchild number 12 on the Sawatsky side and again, he evened things out to 6 boys, 6 girls.
Carter shares his birthday with Johnny Carson, Ryan Reynolds and Dwight Yoakam. So I guess this means he will be funny, good looking and throw in a bit of country to keep it real!
Oh he is so cute!! And looking full already! I better get home quickly before he can take on my two holigans in a wrestling match!