Wednesday, October 17, 2012

38 Things

Well it's my Sweetie's 38th Birthday today and I thought I'd do a little tribute to Mark...
Of course there are more than 38 things to love about Mark, but I will limit it :)

He is the best husband and father I could have ever hoped for or imagined he'd be (1 and 2).  He is calm, caring and considerate (3, 4 and 5).  He's always thinking of us and putting our needs ahead of his (6).
He is FUNNY (7)  I know I know, sometimes I try and say that I'm the funny one,  but we all know the truth :)  He makes me laugh everyday.
He is a Godly man, full of integrity (8).  He is wise (9) and committed (10).
He gets up before 5:00 every morning to go to Jade (11) and he is loyal and dedicated to his work (12 and 13).  He is an amazing leader there too (14).  And he does it all with a smile on his face (15) even with the sometimes lack of sleep.
He keeps my van clean and full of gas (16 and 17).  He will even go out specially in the evening to fuel it up so I won't have to the next day.  And when I say clean... I think we all know what clean means to Mark!!  He also keeps it running well (18).  I'm so thankful that we rarely have to pay for mechanical work to be done. 
He is healthy and active (19 and 20),  I like that my guy works out at the gym 2-3 times a week...he's strong (21)  and he is active with our kids too (22), he will play basketball in the driveway or football in the field at the school by our house or take them skating in the winter or any other number of sports and activities.
He DOES NOT complain (23).  Seriously, not about what I make for suppers, what he has to take for lunches, what he wears, or where we go (I am the planner!)  He is super content and easygoing (24 and 25). 
He goes for walks with me (26).
He is always happy (27) and makes others happy too (28).  He can talk to anyone and make them feel comfortable (29 and 30)
He will do stuff around the house (31).  Like dishes, vacuuming and fixit jobs!
He is not all consumed with money (or the lack thereof!). (32)  He never questions me when I spend on groceries or things for the kids or myself. (33)
He takes care of all the outside jobs, mowing the grass, taking out the garbage and shoveling the snow (34).
He is handsome (35),  he looks good in jeans and great in a suit (36 and 37)
He is fun to be with (38), after 15 years of marriage, he is still the number one person I want to spend my time with and I don't get sick of him!!

Happy Birthday Mark ~ You are loved!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute to your beau! Hope Mark has a great bday! Praying that you are feeling well and that baby is well too! Exciting days ahead for you and your beautiful family!
