Saturday, November 13, 2010


One thing I have always enjoyed is crossing things off lists.  This week with the Remembrance Day holiday and then Mark's Saturday off today, we were able to cross quite a few things off our house list.  Yippee!!  I have great "after" dining room pictures to post.  But this post is something altogether different.  In cleaning out our laundry room (which had become a dump place for everything without a place) I came across some old picture CDs.  Oh the memories!  I just have to post a couple from my sister Tricia's wedding, almost 5 years ago.  I sat here and literally laughed out loud at the memories.  The first thing I remembered is that my then 4 year old Jayme CUT HER OWN BANGS about 3 days before the first wedding she was ever a flower girl in!!  AHHH...  Look at them!  Good thing she was so so so cute with her long beautiful curls!

The next memory was that Brady kept saying he was a ring "tiger" instead of a ring "bear"  He wanted to growl while going down the aisle.  Look at his cute shaggy hair!
Here is a picture of him growling, and the last thing I remembered is that he used to point with his middle finger... what a kid!

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