Well somehow the first snowfall sneaked up on me this year. I realize that it's almost mid-November and we often have snow even in October, but maybe it was denial, or maybe it was just wishful thinking, but this snow caught me rather unprepared. Jayme had to call me from school before lunch recess today and ask me to please bring her some snowpants, everyone was wearing them.
And all I had for mitts for the kids were those useless mini gloves. No warmth, and absolutely not water proof. I guess all the other moms in St Vital were WAY more prepared than me and had already been to Walmart to buy their fancy new mitts and when the Letkeman family decides to go on the night of the first snow, funny thing, Walmart is OUT OF MITTS! OK so not really funny, actually frustrating, but we found some at Children's Place and I hope my kids enjoy their 12$ mittens better than some 6$ pair we couldn't find at Walmart.
I don't think Coco really like the snow all that much, I got her to smile for this picture, but I think she was crying 1 and a half minutes later. Of course I also think that Brady threw a snowball at her and that is quite possibly the reason for the tears rather than the cold or snow.
Brady loves winter... he wanted to be outside all afternoon, but I ran out of minigloves before he ran out of things to do outside. I bribed him with hot chocolate to get him in
Jayme likes the snow too. She's the idea girl. She decides where to put the big piles of snow, how big to make it and she supervises the work.I think I'm happy about the new "season", but really I'm just lying to myself, I really don't like winter. I dislike the snow, I dislike being cold, I dislike bundling up, I dislike carrying a baby all bundled up, and have her slide down because her jacket is puffy and slippery and my jacket is puffy and slippery. ARGH. The ONLY thing winter has going for it is CHRISTMAS... I LOVE Christmas!!!