Thursday, September 4, 2008

September Start Up (Firstborn Child)

Well here it goes, I'm going to try my hand at this blogging thing.  Those who are looking at this probably know us, so I'll just ramble on about the kids and put up a couple pictures and that will be that!
Jayme started Grade Two today... I can't believe it!  She is getting so big.  It was a really early morning today and the adreneline  rush only lasts so and so long, so yes, there were tears.  "I forgot my snack inside at recess and now I'm starving"  Normally there wouldn't be tears about snacks, but today with all those emotions and feelings, we had tears.  I'm 25 (ok maybe not) and I sometimes have a hard time handling my feelings, I can't blame a 7 year old who is starting a new school year, in a new class, with some new students, and a new teacher and in grade 2 there's a new door to enter.  These are big things... not to mention the end of a relaxing summer where our day plans didn't ever even begin until 9 am. So I need to remind my self that these tears and the "sassy/grumpy" talking (and calling Brady "worm boy")  are the result of an over tired, over newness, under slept little girl and not the results of Grade Two Attitude... let's pray that that doesn't come later.

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