I'm learning to sit up in my Bumbo seat! This is a handy seat for when I play hide and seek with my sister. Mom hides me somewhere and Colie comes and finds me. I love that game! I just need to hide quieter!
Check me out... I can't get over how handsome that kid in the mirror is!
When Andrew came over he ditched his soother and sucked on my hand instead! Crazy cousin! Oh well, I'm planning ways to get back at him!
I guess Mommy figured it was time for me to get in shape, so we're in a Baby and Mommy Bootie Camp. Such hard work I do on that mat, phew!
Oh yeah, and did I mention I got to go to a Jets Game?? My brother and sisters haven't even gone yet... I'm wasn't going to say it, but I think I'm the favourite!!
Well I guess that Four Months is a pretty great age to be, maybe next month I will learn a new trick... sleeping through the night. Then again I like to keep them on their toes!!
Here's my official Four Month old picture!