We are getting SO excited for Christmas and I've taken a bit of a different focus this holiday season. Normally I'm pretty flustered and a bit worked up about all that needs to get done and I think back in January and regret not enjoying more. So this year I'm CALM and RELAXED. I want to enjoy every moment of this time of year with the kids and I want to make lasting memories with them. I want for them to start to understand the true meaning of Christmas. (This posted under a picture of Santa! Ha!) We received a cute Advent devotional this year and I've made a list of activities that we want to do during the season and I find it helps to tell the kids what's on that list and they make sure we do all the things. Our list includes: reading the book "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" , then watching the movie (I've never seen it, didn't even know they had one, saw it at the library and I really hope it doesn't suck!) , making a gingerbread house (OK so I bought a kit... I'm not going to go through that again... a few years ago I decided to get Mark involved and I cut out and baked pieces to a very cute gingerbread semi, well, Mark was displeased with how out of proportion it was, so the next year he cut out the gingerbread for a to-scale semi, which he only wanted decorated with smarties that were the actual colour and placement of the lights, not so much fun for kids who want candies and icing EVERYwhere! so we stick with a house and I buy an all inclusive kit). We have baking on the list and we've done all that: fudge, gingerbread men, sugar cookies, peanut butter bark, and rice crispie treats. We still need to cover pretzels in chocolate to complete our holiday treats! We will have a jammies night in the car driving around to look at Christmas lights (Mark will have to wear clothes because as Uncle Kenny knows only too well... what Markie wears to bed won't keep him very warm in the car!) All these activites, plus the Church events, family events and fun times with friends make this "the most wonderful time of the year."
I really hope to make this a special Christmas, I pray that my sweet little ones will start to get the true spirit of Christmas, and that they will understand that the reason we give and receive gifts is because Jesus was the best gift of all.